Something you don't know about me

- I always put on the tap water when I go to the bathroom.
- I got my ears pierced when I was 9 days old.
- I love to learn new languages

- My favourite ingredients are; butter, coriander and garlic.
- I’m jealous of musicians, because I am not talented at all when it comes to instruments.
- I sleep with a teddybear.


- I am extremely impatient.
- I have very little respect for “the way things are suppose to be”. Needless to say, I am not religious. I am very open to people’s beliefs, I just hate being told what to do and what to think, so religion and I are never gonna be a good match.
- Besides baking I love to travel.

- I have played basketball for seven years
- I can’t see very well, but I refuse to wear contacts and glasses are so uncomfortable (I wear it when I really have to).
- I love love love love love ice cream. I can eat it wherever, whenever and a lot.


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