I'm so thankful

Been out fishing two days in a row now. We haven't had a very good luck with catching the fishes, but this nature!! Oh how I love the nature. This harmony when your in the water, hearing nothing but the small waves, and feeling the sun hitting your face with the perfect amount of heat. And you just feel completely peaceful and thankful to be able to feel that moment, right there. I love the nature. And yes, it still feels like you hit a jackpot whenever you catch a fish, it doesn't matter how big it is. It's just pure happiness.


Hello Tuesday. I'm home today after many hours of work and honestly, yes I'm a bit tired. Still a bit sick, but happy! Going to spend this day to just rest. Maybe buy some ice-cream, take out some pillows and just lay in the sun. Hope you'll have a great Tuesday guys. Hugs.


One of the cakes I made for tonight's wedding at work. Working for one more week before I go home to see my family and my boy again, wiiiiiiie. My sister left to spend her holiday with her special person two days ago so it's a bit lonely in the apartment right now. But soon soon soon we are united again. (Can't wait to see you Smörtaz!)


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Efterlängtad weekend

I had an amazing weekend trip. Came back yesterday and went to work directly. Today I'm off and I think I caught something because I have a bad headache right now, and also my throat is hurting. Hope it doesn't last long...

This is me at work

Goodmorning early birds! Woke up early today to get ready for a weekend with my special person <3. Had time to fix some breakfast to  bring with me and say goodbye to my cute sister also. Waiting for the bus right now in the sun. So excited!!! Have a great weekend guys, I'll see you soon.

Birthday cakes

Made cakes for a birthday girl at work this weekend. Strawberry and vanilla!


I went out fishing for mackerel yesterday. It was my first time in like five years, I think. I've only gone fishing with my father, but those times I've never caught a fish. Yesterday I can finally say that I've actually caught my very first fish! And the feeling? Like a kid who just caught a teddybear in an arcade Claw Machine. AMAZING. I just wanted to keep catching them. Nice and cozy morning out in the ocean. And I really hope that it won't take me five more years to go fishing again next time.

My cute sister with her own dessert

Today is the only day in a while that Strömstad isn't sunny, that means that I haven't been out in the sun. So instead I went to return a package of clothes that I have been trying to return for one week now, but things went wrong. But now finally!! And I've cooked spaghetti for us, me and my sister. Right now I am watching "Halv åtta hos mig", and later I'm going to work. Big group of people at the hotel tonight, so a lot of work.  See you.


Woke up early today (without the alarm) was thinking about if I should go to the gym or not, after 30 minutes of thinking I decided to go. Went there, and lifted some weights. Now my lower body is so sore, I'm not looking forward for tomorrow when I feel the soreness even more... After the gym I went to the store to buy some groceries for dinner. Decided to make tuna salad for my sister and I (we just ate). I cleaned our little apartment and then went out in the sun for four hours. Yup, relaxing on my days off to the maximum!!! Oh yeah, had a little chocolate tasting today too. Never eaten so much chocolate in so short time before. Talk to you later. Hugs.


So tired after a long day at work. But  I'm just going to relax today even though I planned to go to the gym... Maybe tomorrow morning instead haha. My sister just came home from work too so we are having dinner now, so I have to go!

Cake, chocolate, sushi

Goodmorning guys. Been thinking about a promise I made a couple of months ago that I would sooner or later post about my trip in Asia and a recap of last year. I really want to, and I will try to make it this week (but no promises). I'll bribe you with some food and dessert pics that's been on my phone lately until then instead.

A vanilla dessert with ten layers of different textures, served with roasted peaches, vanilla macarons and peach sorbet.
One of our "today's lunch dessert", it's vanilla pannacotta, a lemon "ring", chocolate mousse, raspberry mousse, caramel crunch and a quenelle of raspberry sorbet.
From our dessert lunchbuffet - brownie, baked white chocolate cream, vanilla pannacotta, meringues, dulce de lèche and raspberry gel.
Two desserts from our new à la carte menu with flavours of - Strawberry and coconut in the front, and at the back it's Mango and Guanaja Valrhona chocolate.
Some of my pralines I made the other week. Coming more soon!!
Filling up our macaron stock.
A cake order from last week.
And sushi dinner with sister yesterday evening. We both liked the nigiris more than the maki (they were so big). My absolute favourite was the nigiri with scallops (the two at the back on the right side).


Long time no see blog!! Summer is here and I am really enjoying it, been out in the sun a lot and hanging with my sister. Tonight we are going to eat sushi and just relax outside. Hope it won't be long until I'll see you again. Chao Bellas!


Lil chimbo

Home was great.



Had such a great weekend with my sister. On saturday we met up with a friend and had dinner outside before we headed out to dance. Yesterday, Sunday, we both worked. It was actually the first time we worked together, otherwise we work different times or different stations. Today we are also working some couple of hours and tomorrow evening we are finally going home to our family. Our youngest family member is graduating!!!


One of the most beautiful words

I can't believe me and my sister are working together now. It still feels unreal, but one of our dreams came true and I am so happy to have her here. Since the day she came it just felt like something finally came together. Family <3



Sun is out, my experiment of growing avocados are giving their first signs and my sister is coming back to Sweden to live and work with me! Aaaand started my morning with my favorite artist, Ed Sheeran. It's going to be a good day.


Te amo

So tired after an eight hour trip back home across Sweden. In a couple of minutes I have to get ready for work, but looking back at the photos from this weekend when I was back home makes the long trips worth it.



Two years ago I went on my prom. This weekend I went home and saw my little brother going on his. Can't believe he's almost graduating soon too. They were all handsome and beautiful.


Cradle to grave

Hello peopleee. This week has gone by so fast, maybe it's because I work most of the days. I still love it so much after every single stressful and late nights. Caught up with Tina yesterday on Skype. I always get so much energy from her. Friends for over 20 years (!). This weekend I'm working, but I'm not complaining. Going to see a movie now. See you!


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