Summer 2015
Because I was really bad at updating my blog over the summer, I intend to share with you some summer memories now. And then I and some of the other students at the school actually planned to watch a horror movie tonight. But first, a summary of my summer.
There were not many barbeques this summer, because the weather let us down.
But there were some, and hot-dogs were a big favorite. Sausage-delux with mayonnaise and roasted onion.
During the sunny days I went swimming and sunbathed, ofcourse.
I Ate salmon and potato on Le Pain Francais.
A serious picture (maybe).
A bike-night in Gothenburg. This is actually one of my best summer memories.
One of my last nights with my classmates. We made smore´s. 5/5!!
was out dancing almost every weekend.
Mother and lilttle brother<3 I bought ice cream for us this day.
My sister makes the best meatballs.
But this was also good, because I was hungry.
Sister, I and some friends were in the Universeum in Gothenburg.
It was hot in there. Really really really hot.