Cream Ice
Even if it's been hectic days the past few weeks this week feels kinda calm. Pretty nice since I’m a bit stressed over some other things parallel to assignments and school. No assignment this week maybe that's why. But I'm always looking forward for the assignments because that's when you get to rock your own thing! Otherwise I've been working on the flashmob I told you about last week. This Saturday we're having an event called Fasnacht in school, the biggest carnival event in Switzerland. And together with the students I've been practicing on a dance for this day, but I won't be able to be present on Saturday for the event because I am going on a tryout in another city. Crossing my fingers that it goes perfectly smooth and that I love it there. Now I’m chilling before I change into my work mode. Laterooo. Oh yeah, we're making ice cream this week(!!!!!!!!!!!!!).