Hello. I am right now in a period when life feels very beautiful, sunny, I have moved to another city, started a new job that I like and there are exciting things happening. Everything is good with me. Hope you are good too.
9 weeks.
I have thought about it so many times, but isn't it so cool that you could actually take a plane and just jump forward in time to a completely different place on earth like I did when I flew to Asia? I think about my trip in Asia every other day, and just the thought of everything Ive experienced and how perfect the trip was makes me smile so big. I was never in major problems or trouble during my whole trip. It was just in the beggining, the first week, when I had stomach problem (I think there was something wrong with the metabolism or that I wasn't used to the different bacterias in the food from European to Asian) otherwise there was no problems with check-in's or luggages etc. Who could believe that? I didn't.
You know when everyone says that you develop as a person when ou travel abroad on such a long journey - I confirm, it's true. I have never known that I appreciated the little things so much, as much as I do now. I mean good food, a gym, internet or even clean clothes. I didn' spend my nights at fancy hotels with clean showers, and most of the times I didn't have clean clothes. So you just appreaciated when you got into a hostel where they had a decent shower and you could take a cold shower and afterwards put on some newly washed clothes. I have always been open and social as a person (except when I was a little kid) and I love meeting new people, but this experience opened me up even more to people. Without thinking, you open up and send time with people you otherweise don't "usually" spend time with. What might be the biggest difference is that I stopped thinking so much. My spontaniety and craziness have always been high, but now it's on a whole new level and I started using the idea "Why not?" as a life motto. In other words, I have had such a pleasent experience, and I have started daring more and doing things I usually or before didn't dare to do. The trip has developed me in a way that made me start to face my fears and dared to grab things I wouldn'y do before.
People have asked me "Isn't it hard to travel by yourself?", and my answer has always been "No, even though I travel by myself, I have never felt alone." I've met so many people, partly because, as I said, I opened up, but also because other people tend to dare to talk to a persom who is by herself instead of those in groups. Do you understand what I mean? So I haven't had a problem meeting new people, which is so fun because I have a a lot of people that I would not meet if it was not because I was traveling by myself.
That trip was fantastic in many ways, I've developed my independence in an incredibly large way. I planned, organized and solved this trip on my own, where no tours were organized, no travel agencies or anything like that was involved. I have managed everything completely by myself, and it has been incredibly fun. Soon, in the end of this week I am packing my bags again. To a new destination and I am so thrilled with happiness and excitement.
I needed this
Freshened up my hair today. It doesn't feel like my hair yet because it's so soft and all curly right now (feel like a real girly-girl), but I'll get used to it soon. I love it! xx
Typical Swedish "husmanskost". It's fish that's been coated (?) in breadcrumbs, eggs and flour (I don't know what it's called in english) with mashed potatoes, sauce , peas and pickled cucumber.
Blueberry pie and vanillasauce (in a bowl so you can have more vanillasauce ;D)
Made some naanbread that I ate with Butter Chicken.
A few days ago I helped one of my friends with his clothing line. He had a clearance sale of all what was left.
90% sale.
I was apart of big party in Oskarshamn where all the men and women wears beautiful dresses and suits, eats three course dinner and drink wine. They also give prices for "Neighbour of the year", "Company of the year" etc. Really good and nice party!!
Appertizer from the party; Gravad lax and a terrione with herbs an potatoe.
Korean BBQ with my best guy friends <3333
I made a cake for one of my moms friends. She and her husband has been married for 30 years!!!
Strawberry sponges, cheesecake filling, fres strawberries and a vanilla glaze. (And real roses).
When it starts to get warmer you can sit outside and eat your breakfast. That's what I did this morning. I love Swedish summer.
Gua Bao mmmm
Me and my brother made some bomb ass dinner today, everything homemade from scratch! Really happy with the baos and also the meat. I don't eat meat often, but when I do, it's got to be worth it. And this was!!! Now I have to go to sleep because mom is flying to Vietnam early tomorrow morning and I will send her from the airport. Goodnight peopleeee.
Precious thing
Love these mornings when me and my brother wakes up together without having anything planed, or something we have to "hurry to". We made sushi for breakfast. And for the rest of the day? No plans!!
"Happy Women's Day, Danna Vu"
(My nightmare)
Xich Lo
Yeah, so right now I'm in Oslo. So nice to go from the cold and snowy Sweden (C'MON?!?!) for a sunny Norway. Just staying for some more days though. Tonight I don't know if I will order food delivery or go out and eat... Feel like I don't want to move though. I feel like it's dangerous to have food delivery where you live...but I've never tried it so maybe today will be the premier!!
No words for this chaotic morning. ("Worst day of my life" - Michael Vu). Missed my first transport to Oslo in the morning because of the snowfall at night. 30cm?!?! Our car got stuck in the snow and it didn't start. So my brother and his friend had to drive me to the city where I had to take my next transport, was just right on time before departure. More exactly 1min. I made it though and in three hours I'm in Norway. See you!
(I stole this list)
5 places I've lived at:
- In Oskarshamn, Sweden where I've mostly lived my whole life.
- In a school dorm in Switzerland which was a hotel before they built it to a school.
- In a house in America with my father, cousins and uncle. One of my most memorable periods as a child.
- In a small cozy apartment just near the boarder of France in Switzerland (my first own apartment)
- In an apartment in Mönsterås (outside Oskarshamn).
5 things I look forward too:
- Start working again, with pastry ofcourse.
- Streetstar 2017. One of Europes biggest dance event, and this year my best friend is going to compete (I'm so proud of her).
- My brothers graduation.
- When I can go on a trip with my mom and sister.
- My bed tonight (haha, I'm tired).
5 things I like:
- Music.
- Hiking.
- Go on food markets.
- Seeing my brother cook.
- Mashes potatoes (with lumps).
5 things I don't like:
- Cold, grey and windy weather.
- Sausage.
- The smell of gas.
- Mcdonald's.
- Ketchup.
5 things I've done this weekend:
- Dancing.
- Won a basketball game (40:82).
- Eating birthday cake.
- Listening on Ed Sheerans new album in repeat.
- Changing bedsheets and pillowcases.
5 songs I listen to now.
- Happier - Ed Sheeran
- Hearts Don't Break Around Here - Ed Sheeran
- Thinking About You - Hardwell
- Kontrol - Maleek Berry
- True Colors - The Weekend
5 things I've done today.
- Eating breakfast with mommy.
- Playing basketball.
- Going to the supermarket and bought ingredients to make "Semla".
- Slept for four hours.
- Hugging mom.
Sunshines and Seashells
Been baking the whole morning today. I don't know if mom is going to be happy or angry when she comes home from work and sees that I've been baking again. Our freezer is totally packed, so whenever I bake we always give away to friends. And our family is not really a sweet tooth family. But it doesn't stop me from doing what I love the most!!
Had a really good workout with a friend I haven't hanged out with for a long time this morning, afterwards we made some tasty halloumiburgers and ate "Semla" to celebrate the Swedish tradition of "Fat-tuesday". Everyone ate semla today haha. Still not a big fan of this bun, but it works. Goodnight.
Victory!!! We won today's game against the leading team of the qualification, and it feels sooooo freaking good. We were under by ten in halftime. But then we turned it and won by two points. 64:62. One of the most nervracking games in a long time, but we did it. Together. FUCKING AWESOME. Now: Celebration tiiiiime.
Hiking, waterfalls and 35C
Just had my morning practice and now going through some photos from my backpacking trip in Asia. Yes I do miss it. I miss my hiking trips, getting lost and finding waterfalls. Great adventurous trip. What's next?
Nasty H
Hello! How is your Sunday so far? Me and the girls had a crazy long night yesterday, we fell asleep at 5AM and woke up just four hours after. So we all are pretty zombie alike today. We just drove back to Oskarshamn, and I think I'm in the mood for a long walk later so that's what's up next before it's time for dinner! See you.
Goodmorning guys. We all just woke up at my friends house after a nice calm night out yesterday. We had dinner at Pinchos, that's a restaurant chain where you order your food from an app and everything is decorated in a Circus theme. It was fun, but personally I don't like having the phone at the dinner table. Otherwise the food was good and the company even better. Well, now I have to get up and help the girls make breakfast!
Chicken Enchilada
So last night I met up with two friends and we made enchiladas for dinner. Turned out really good (maybe because we were so hungry) and it was nice to see them again. Today I'm roadtripping with some girlfriends to one of our other friends that lives in another city, and we are going to spend our weekend there. AND I'M SO EXCITED!!! Finally some girls talk, food and drinks with them.
Through my phone
I've really just been too lazy to update the blog since I've arrived to Sweden again. So last time I wrote I was on my way to Switzerland, met my friends and went skiing. When I returned to Sweden I started practicing with the basketball team a lot more. Morning - and evening practices, gym and game days. I love it though!!! Otherwise I have just been catching up with my friends again, working a bit, and ofcourse practice some pastry too. Tonight I'm going to meet up with some friends for dinner. See you!
There is nothing like skiing on French mountains.
Just look.
Cute and small little towns on the mountains.
Went to France to see my friend and her boyfriend. They are so welcoming an their home <3333
Her boyfriend is a great cook, and he made us crêpes on morning. I had them with butter and chocolate sprinkles (?!). I know... BUT IT WAS BOMB.
Osso Bucco. I called it Osso Bosso the first times and they kept laughing at me when i said that. Veal with tomatosauce. Also BOMB.
Came home to a colder climate in Sweden, but I got to see these new born babies!!! Melts my heart everytime.
My friend and I baked some bread for brunch one day. Hahaaha!
Brunching with banana pancakes, freshly baked bread etc.